Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday roller coaster - the highest high and the lowest low

Well another one in the books. The weekend is officially over. Coming up next? The worst day of the week - Monday.

Friday was entertaining. A roller coaster ride of emotion, dignity and questionable behaviour. The day started at 8 A.M. accompanied by a minor hang over. I was awaiting the results of the biggest test of my life which were to be released at 10 A.M. The culmination of months of studying, wasted weekends and multiple choice questions were coming to an end. I waited impatiently until 10, at 10:04 I checked the website - passed. Thank goodness. Let the weekend begin!

I decided to round up the boys around Ottawa from various locations and bring most blog members to the gang headquarters at Cooper. After a few friendly card games and a few lovely games of Fives, we walked over to a gathering of familiar humans. From there a giant mess of alcohol, cupcakes and hormones began to mesh to create a cocktail of destruction. The most entertaining part of the night was at the end - as usual. After a grueling twenty minute wrestling match between two of the finest boiz, we were shown the door by one of the patrons at the party. Was it upsetting being escorted out of a friends party? Not really. Was anyone sorry? Perhaps - no one mentioned it.

The boiz then proceeded to walk home in frigid temperature. It was painful. We decided to grab a quick snack before bed from a staple of Cooper - Pizza Pizza. We walked to the front door and it was closed. We had missed the closing hours by 20 minutes. Rats! Off to McDonald's we go. We walked back down Elgin only to see a long line up. Were the boiz defeated by the elements and the hustle and bustle of Ottawa? Yes. We walked back to Cooper with our tails between our legs and quietly ascended to the top floor of the apartment building.

A quick discussion of ordering food, a miscommunication between an Ottawa pizzeria and it was settled - the boiz will wait until morning. A very entertaining night to say the least - only can be summed up as boiz being boiz.

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