Thursday, January 19, 2012

Apartment Swap Wrap Up

Apartment Swap 2012 came to a screeching halt Monday with the boys exchanging keys over a much debated, yet thoroughly delicious Thai dinner. Banter was at an all time high as the boys conversed about the week that was. Some stories were funny, some sad; all of which contributed to the boiz gaining an appreciation for what their fellow boy must face on a day to day basis. Now that the Dusty Daley has settled we can all take a moment to reflect on the #AS2012 that was…

What have we learned from #AS2012? Well, for starters…

Henry loves nuts.

Hal is Crazy for Bricks.

It is possible to have a party without your neighbors calling the By-Lads.

Henry’s bed has special powers.

Old habits die hard. (i.e.: sleeping at the wrong apartment, won’t mention any names on that one)

Cats are not people.

CC has a special way with birds; roasted birds, birds that coo and other.

1 or 0, doesn’t matter they are still crazy.

Apart from these revelations I think each one of us has learned a little more about the individuals known as the boizzz. I know I have and I will be presenting my findings in a little expose I have titled “Roommate Report Cards”. Pundits will say, “kcerwd, you haven’t lived with all the boizzz, how could you possibly hand out “Roommate Report Cards”?”

I have no response for the pundits, they aren’t welcome round these parts anyways…I know what I seen!!!!!

As I was saying...

Roommate Report Cards (As inspired by the blog post: The 5 Degree’s of Dale by Dusty Daley)

Qualities: Quiet, Subtly Clever and Pessimistic
Reason you’d love him as a roommate: Culinary wizardry
Reason you’d hate him as a roommate: Left my balcony screen door open and now it's frozen to the deck
Celebrity Comparison: A slightly deranged version of Tom Hanks.
Final Grade: G – For: God damn it CC where did you learn how to make them scrambled eggs!


Qualities: Gigantic, Caring and Clumsy
Reason you’d love him as a roommate: Thoughtful
Reason you’d hate him as a roommate: Suspect Dishwashing Abilities
Celebrity Comparison: Tall guy in the Simpsons (not really but I love this clip and this is basically how I look driving my sister's car, don’t make fun of me)
Final Grade: D – For: Don’t let him live alone again, please for the love of God!

Henry Thorough

Qualities: Charming, Dorky and Reliable
Reason you’d love him as a roommate: Plays “Tears in Heaven” on the Guitar
Reason you’d hate him as a roommate: Has been known to leave the lights on
Celebrity Comparison: Both of the Brothers Solomon
Final Grade: 6 – For: The number of cats Bert is going to get after living beside the Cat Lady.


Qualities: Witty, Sarcastic and Abrasive
Reason you’d love him as a roommate: Everyone loves when Uncle Hal comes to visit, imagine living with him!
Reason you’d hate him as a roommate: Been known to turn down the window in order to talk smut to the ladies. Yikes!
Celebrity Comparison: Larry David, aka “The Social Assasian”
Final Grade: T – For: Thanks for the bread you old chunk of coal!

Well lads and latches, that about does it for #AS2012...Please stay tuned and see what the boys will swap next. Will it be Jobs? Sneakers? Child support payments programs? There’s only one way to find out... (hint: it’s not by torturing the ex-wife).


  1. haha oh wow. a few thoughts:

    -i had to rewash all of the dishes at chez cc
    -that will arnett video is one of the creepiest things ive ever seen, and i like the wild hyena aspect
    -sorry about the door

  2. #AS2012 has been the most entertaining thing on the internet all year. It has become the number one reason to get out of bed... case in point, I slept in yesterday.
